I just posted about how I have a little mommy on my hands. She likes to mimic what I do with her, with her baby dolls. She was at it again this morning. Many people know I hurt my back a couple of weeks ago. Not sure how I did it and I ignored it for the first 5 days or so (put on my strong mommy face and just figured it was nothing) until I got to the point that walking was too painful. Well I've been to the doctors twice now and we have been pretty grounded to the house. To Gabriella's credit she hasn't been all that naughty. The first couple of days after the doctors visit were miserable, but since then she's been good. Of course Ricky and I discovered this weekend she can sit through a movie pretty well. Not something we're proud of for our two year old, but we'll get past this. I've taken Gabriella to one playdate (not a great plan, but the other mommy was really supportive so I didn't have to do much), and to our swim lesson (REALLY bad idea, but I thought the water would help). Other than that the couch has been my friend.
Anyways, back to the point of my little mommy in training. Gabriella knows that Mommy has a "boo boo back." She's been to my doctor's appointments with me, and knows it hurts. Whenever I go to take my medicine she says "Mommy's boo boo back okay??" with the sweetest, most concerned look on her face. Well apparently it's taking a toll on her. After she got up this morning she picked up one of her many baby dolls and went to put it in a chair. I heard her telling the baby that she was at the doctors for her "boo boo back." Then I heard Gabriella say "it's okay, Mommy's boo boo back will be okay, yours will too, right?"
I think it is SO adorable that she's taking care of her babies, but I feel horrible that she now thinks that everyone has a boo boo back. I start physical therapy on Friday and let's hope that my back gets better quickly. Then when my sweet girl asks if my back is okay, I can tell her the truth and we can get back to our busy routine.