Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Mommy In Training

Gabriella has discovered her love for baby dolls. She rocks them, sings to them, puts them to bed. It's absolutely adorable. She mimics everything that I do to her. Her latest thing was taking one of her babies to the potty.
I was doing the dishes and I knew she had picked up one of her babies in the morning. It got somewhat quiet (which is scary in this house). Suddenly I hear a noise from the bathroom. I went running and I see Gabriella sitting on her stool in the bathroom with her baby on her potty seat. I didn't manage to get a picture of that, but after running for the camera, these are what I did capture.

So to narrate the pictures. She took one of her wipes and was wiping baby's bottom, threw it in the potty and flushed, watched it go down, and then was heading out of the bathroom. After that she told me that baby had earned a treat. She was so sweet and honest I couldn't deny her so I gave her an m&m (our potty treat). She took it and put it in baby's mouth (just an FYI, m&m's fit perfectly in the mouth of cabbage patch dolls). Gabriella was then explaining to her baby doll that she used the potty so she should eat her treat. I decided since clearly Gabriella hadn't done all this to get the treat herself, that she should in fact go ahead and eat the treat for being such a good mommy. Gabby was amazed but did go ahead and eat it.
My little baby is trying to be a little mommy herself. Maybe she's ready for a baby brother or sister. Someday :-)


- Meg said...

I LOVE teh pictures of Gabby letting her baby go potty!! So stinking cute!

Sheena said...

That is so funny! What a sweetheart! Or was she just tired of changing diapers? ;)

Anne said...

How sweet! What a smart lil girl you have. She will definitely be a great big sister one day :)