Everyone has been there whether they have a child or not. You're in a store, a doctor's office, anywhere and you see parents struggling with a child who just won't sit still, be quiet, who just want to do what THEY want to do. Most adults look at those parents and think "wow, they can't control their child, seriously what is their problem?" Well today, in the past, and in the future we have that child. I like to think that Gabriella is just spirited and we are not failures as parents. Maybe it's just the age, who knows. But sometimes she just wants to be herself with no restrictions.
Today we went to the store to get a few things I forgot (or was unable to get) at the commissary. It wasn't a good day to start out with. The yelling and constant questioning of everything that was happening started early. It was 80 degrees (and very humid) by 9am and there's a chance of heavy rain this afternoon. So we were at the store in the morning and Gabriella wanted to walk. No matter what I did she wanted to walk. So I played let's make a deal after she tried to buy everything in sight. If she touched anything or walked away from me she would go into the cart. If she just looked and stayed near me she could walk. She thought about it and decided it wasn't a bad deal. She did get in the way a lot and I said a lot of apologies but we were doing all right. Then she saw some 4th of July hairbows that wouldn't stay in her baby fine hair unless I glued them. She picked them up about 15 times, but she put them back. For some reason I let it slide just to keep moving (I know everyone around me was thinking "what is wrong with that mother, tell her kid no" which FYI I had been saying) and on. Well she grabbed something else and I informed my rule, into the cart she went. Then came the screaming, crying, kicking, and all around show for all the people around. I'm sure people were wondering why I didn't just take her home and try another day. The truth is she would've done the same thing. She does it when we go to the commissary too. She's at an independent stage where she wants to "help" and doesn't realize helping is not picking up whatever she sees fit to buy. We're getting through it, I followed through with my punishment of staying in the cart for the rest of the shopping trip, and even though we made a scene we got through it.
So now when other kids are making a scene I take a look at the parents. If they're trying I give them a break, because I definitely was trying today. I wasn't about to explain that Daddy was away, Gabriella misses him, etc. But I also couldn't explain that I have a sweet little girl that carries her Daddy doll everywhere, has tea parties on Grana's blankie, and wants to cuddle all the time. But just in case you got the wrong idea, here's a sweet image to keep in your head!